2024 edition
Miroir d’eau
Chef-d’œuvre torse
Séverine Hubard

As if it sprouting from the knot of the tree’s primary branches, the sculpture spreads out and seems to have grown upside down at the same pace as the tree.

Séverine Hubard in situ pieces seeks direct contact with their immediate context. This year, she was asked her to design a sculpture for a tall, 80-year-old Monterey pine, for which she created a 7-m (17 ft.) tall structure.

As if it sprouting from the knot of the tree’s primary branches, the sculpture spreads out and seems to have grown upside down at the same pace as the tree. As with all her work, it also plays with questions of perspective, as well as planes and images that are set in space.

Do not climb the tree or the sculpture.

Séverine Hubard was born in 1977. She lives and works in Saint-Denis, Porte de Paris, and Le Cassan in the Cantal.