2023 edition
Somewhere in town
Éloge du déplacement
Philippe Ramette

Philippe Ramette has returned to Nantes to offer a direct response to the his own Éloge du pas de côté (“ode to sidestepping”) which was added to Place du Bouffay in 2018.

For this edition, the artist has created an identical replica of the base and statue right down to the slightest detail, including the tip of the shoe that has been made shiny by the countless hands that have touched it!

Philippe Ramette injects the uncanny into the city, creating a work that may well be exhibited in various spots throughout Nantes all summer long. Keep an eye out for it!

Philippe Ramette was born in 1961, in Auxerre, France. He lives and works in Paris. He is represented by Galerie XIPPAS, Paris.

By the same artist