An abandoned yacht tilts onto its side and tips over, irresistibly attracted by the river.
Ewin Wurm’s work invites the spectator to look for art in the movements of daily life and in particular conditions of existance: physical, spiritual, psychological and political. Full of humour, his sculptures tip ordinary moments over into an absurd universe. Obsessed by human capacity to “sculpturally” transform, he applies those human characteristics (thinness, obesity) to social features, like a car or a house. For him, objects, like human, undergo a throught process.

Click here for further information on this artwork of the itinerary Estuaire
écluse du canal de la Martinière 44640 LE PELLERIN
How to get there?
Public transport: La Martinière, La martinière
Visual artwork.
Explanatory video in French sign language and French subtitles available online here.