De plain-pied invites viewers to explore questions of mobility and immobility, balance and falling, bestiaries and plays with scale – all fundamental themes in the artist’s work.
World-renowned artist, Xavier Veilhan has created a made-to-measure exhibition in close collaboration with scenographer Alexis Bertrand.
Large cardboard volumes create a minimalist landscape for a selection of recent and past works, some of which are on exceptional loan.

An exhibition designed with Alexis Bertrand
Curated by Claire Staebler
21 Quai des Antilles, 44200 Nantes
How to get there?
Public transport: Hangar à Bananes, Quai des Antilles, Salorges
Self-service bicycles: Hangar À Bananes (n°105), Antilles (n°104), Garennes (n°106), Carrière Misery (n°28)
Closed today.
Free admission