A journey through the history of energy, from the first windmills to the wind turbines of the 21st century.
Discover all you need to know about the technological, economic and environmental aspects of wind turbines and offshore wind farms.
Interactive and hands-on devices make for a very lively experience, designed for children and adults alike. Edutainment at its best !
Self-guided tour, approx. 45 minutes. Booking recommended.

Avenue de la forme écluse 44400 Saint-Nazaire
How to get there?
Situated under the same roof as the submarine Espadon.
T. +332 28 540 640
Click here to know the details about opening hours.
Closed between the autumn and Christmas holidays and between the Christmas and winter holidays.
Free for PASS Nantes holders
Book PASS Nantes
Admission 6€ (full price), 3€ children aged 4 to 17.
Booking recommended : +33 (0)2 28 540 640