Halle 6 Ouest - Nantes Université

Halle 6 Ouest is a true catalyst for innovation and experimentation within Nantes Université, offering students the tools to meet the social challenges of tomorrow by bringing together world-renowned researchers, teachers, students, start-ups, artists, engineers and entrepreneurs.

Through its 3 labs, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, it proposes a range of additional services, from creating building prototypes to studying user experience, in addition to courses and events planning.

Nantes Université is a public institution of higher education and research based on a university model unlike any other in France, combining: a university, a university hospital (CHU de Nantes), a technological research institute (IRT Jules Verne), a national research organisation (Inserm) and several grandes écoles (Centrale Nantes, École des Beaux-Arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire, and the École d’Architecture de Nantes). These different entities have joined forces to develop excellence in research within Nantes, while offering new training opportunities in all areas of learning.

Artwork #LVAN

Le parcours inter-école (“Inter-school Itinerary”)

The foundations of tomorrow’s cities are being invented on the campuses of today. Young people are tackling issues and showcasing their commitments to creating a territory that will be resilient in every way.

For this year’s edition, all the schools on the Campus Créatif join forces to explore a common theme: our relationship with the living world. This summer, Le Voyage à Nantes once again delves into the heart of these unique architectural establishments, opening their doors to reveal their studios, research spaces, and overall creative effervescence.

Along the way, Ariane Darpy’s illustrations feature imaginary trees that could surround these remarkable buildings.

See all the stages of the journey